When you eat a small handful of walnuts a day, not only is your body saturated with the required amount of calories. Nuts improve memory function, slow down the aging process in cells and improve male potency. No wonder experts believe that walnuts are the strongest natural aphrodisiac.

Any nuts are products that in reasonable "doses" bring undoubted benefit to man. They also have a beneficial effect on male potency.
Walnuts include:
- vitamins;
- fatty acids;
- macronutrients;
- trace elements;
- different types of amino acids.
All these substances have great value.
What substances are found in nuts?
According to the chemical composition, walnuts are rich in content:
- Magnesium and potassium. These two substances are closely related to each other. They strengthen nerves and heart blood vessels, speeding up metabolism. Also, these elements help to improve myocardial function, stabilize pressure indicators, stimulate blood circulation and positively affect the conduction of the nervous system.
- Vitamins of group B. Because vitamins are soluble in water, they stimulate metabolism at the cellular level, flush "bad" cholesterol from the bloodstream, dissolving blood clots and plaques. B vitamins are also actively involved in the regulation of vascular tone and nerve conduction. Vitamin B1is "responsible" for metabolism, B6 is for the assimilation of protein substances in the body, and thanks to vitamin B9 the reproductive system begins to work more intensively: we are talking in particular about the normal production of sperm in men.
- Vitamin E. Its other ancient Greek name, tocopherol, has not been translated in vain as "the birth of offspring. "Tocopherol is the strongest antioxidant necessary for athletes. Provides cells with protection against free radicals. It is known that there are many more of them during training. In addition, vitamin E is involved in the regulation of the male reproductive system, namely: it helps it produce the right amount of testosterone and suppresses the production of female hormones - especially estrogen.
- Vitamin C or ascorbic acid. It is both an antioxidant and an immunomodulator. The well-known "ascorbic acid" not only increases the body's resistance to various diseases, but also helps to strengthen sexual desire and erection. This effect is provided by nitric oxide, which is secreted by the cells.
- Zinc and selenium. These chemical elements, such as potassium and magnesium, are closely related and complementary. They support the functioning of the prostate in a healthy way, which leads to intensive synthesis of testosterone, and increases the number of healthy sperm that can fertilize a female egg.
- Phosphorus. This element stimulates the body's production of lecithin. Thanks to lecithin, the body produces new cells and produces male sex hormones.

Top 6 best nuts for potency
If you regularly eat nuts in any form, male potency will always be at its best. Walnuts are almost universal because they can be paired with many other foods. At the same time, sour cream, honey, muesli, porridge are ideal. The exceptions are fish or meat dishes: walnuts are poorly compatible with them.
Because there are so many types of nuts, each has an individual effect on male sexual function.
Leader among other types of nuts that have a beneficial effect on male potency. Experts also recommend cores and shells with internal partitions. Strangely, green walnuts that have not yet ripened bring optimal benefits to men. If you include nuts in your daily diet, it will not only increase potency, but will also significantly improve the number of healthy sperm. In some cases, they can even cure infertility in men.
Walnuts are rich in the following elements:
- potassium;
- magnesium;
- iodine;
- fatty acids.
If men are diagnosed with coronary artery disease or hypertension, walnuts will help cope with these pathologies, which in turn will improve the quality of sexual life, making it more intense and lively.
You can make delicious and healthy walnut butter at home. To prepare it, you will need:
- walnuts (10-15 pieces);
- raisins (200-250 grams);
- a few prunes and figs.
All components are ground in a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained. After that, the paste is placed in a glass jar and stored in the refrigerator. It is optimal to use it before going to bed in the amount of 15 to 20 grams with sour cream or kefir.
It is known that nutritious and healthy oil is made from walnuts. If you use it regularly, it affects potency as positively as nuts. Moreover, peanut butter:
- improves the processes of regulation of the nervous system at the reflex level;
- stimulates microcirculation in small blood vessels;
- removes toxins and radioactive substances from the body.
Walnut oil is a great addition to meat and fish dishes, snacks and salads, but it cannot be cooked.
A small handful of almonds contains the optimal amount of protein you should eat each day. Almonds improve male potency because they are rich in B vitamins, omega acids and other useful elements. 10 to 12 nuts a day is enough to ensure blood flow to the genitals and improve erections.
To improve potency, you can prepare a healthy drink with almonds in the composition. For this you will need:
- 6 almonds;
- ½ teaspoons of cardamom seeds
- 200 ml milk;
- spoon of honey.
Nuts, cardamom are chopped with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained, after which a certain amount of honey and milk is added to the mixture. The drink is best drunk before meals (15 or 20 minutes before meals).
This is the same hazelnut, just grown. Wild hazelnuts look smaller, but the benefits of them are no less than those of the cultivated variety. If you manage to find a wild "nut" in the forest, consider it a great fortune and, without hesitation, collect its fruits. Men should consume hazelnuts:
- with prostate hyperplasia;
- with varicose veins;
- with diabetes mellitus.
It has a high calorie content, but a minimal content of simple carbohydrates, so hazelnuts can certainly be considered a dietary product. It often includes various diet programs aimed at reducing body weight to optimal levels. 10-12 nuts a day is our daily need for protein.
These are nuts of original and pleasant taste. They contain healthy fats and rare amino acids:
- tryptophan;
- lysine;
- melatonin.
Enough 200 grams of this product per day to give the body a daily amount of valuable vitamin K. Participates in protein synthesis, improves blood composition and potency of men. Men are advised to add a little honey to these nuts or to put them in fresh salads.
Many people like pistachios, salted or fried, because they are a popular beer snack. However, salted pistachios are a serious stress for the kidneys and liver. Such a product has no useful quality. The best option is dried or roasted walnuts, without salt and other aromatic additives.
Using pistachios, you can make a delicious and healthy salad of walnuts and berries. The recipe looks like this:
- fresh strawberries (150 grams);
- fresh grapes (150 grams);
- peeled pistachios (50 grams);
- corn salad (2-3 leaves);
- olive oil (2 tablespoons).
Strawberries are cut into four parts and grapes in half. The berries are mixed with pistachios, after which olive oil and salad are added.
This nut, along with the Brazilian, contains an element like selenium that increases male potency. Cashews also contain:
- vitamins;
- minerals;
- cellulose.
Due to this composition, this nut is perfectly compatible with salads of fresh fruits and vegetables. For example, a salad of beets, carrots and cashews can be prepared from the following ingredients:
- young beets (500 grams);
- carrots (250 grams);
- cashews (50 grams);
- yogurt (150 grams);
- a little green onion (to taste);
- honey (1 teaspoon).
Peel a squash, grate it and add the onions and cashews. Season with yogurt. In addition, sometimes ginger or pre-ground nutmeg is added to taste.

How to use nuts to increase potency?
The caloric content of walnuts is known: 100 grams of any product contains about 500 kilocalories (one third of the daily female norm and a quarter of the daily male norm). However, the calories available in nuts, due to the fiber content, the body does not absorb them completely. Simply put, the body consumes calories received from nuts to absorb them. The percentage of assimilation in this case is 30 to 40. This is an average indicator, since food processing in the body is an individual matter. However, it is not recommended to eat a lot of walnuts in the evening. An afternoon or morning snack consisting of them is ideal for nuts to bring the desired benefit to the body.
How not to overdo it with the calories that nuts contain? There is a simple way: their daily rate is about 20 grams per day, and piece by piece it looks something like this:
- walnuts - from 6 to 8 pcs. ;
- walnuts - from 10 to 12 pcs. ;
- peanuts - from 20 to 25 pcs. ;
- hazelnuts or hazelnuts - from 7 to 10 pcs. ;
- pistachios - from 30 to 35 pcs. ;
- almonds - from 15 to 18 pcs. ;
- Brazil nuts - from 3 to 4 pcs. ;
- cedar - up to 100 pcs.
Replace sweets and desserts with nuts to achieve a healing effect and stay in optimal shape. In addition, they can replace meat dishes if people have restrictions. Walnuts go well with any porridge or dried fruit: this way you can easily and quickly prepare yourself a breakfast that will be tasty, nutritious and healthy.
Almonds are best absorbed if eaten about 20 minutes before main meals. In general, all types of nuts have a beneficial effect on male potency, so it is always possible to choose the best option.